Monday, January 9, 2012

Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character

Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character
Edna Ternblad ("Hairspray", 2007) - John Travolta (John Travolta
Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character
V («V - for Vendetta", 2006) - Hugo Weaving (Hugo Weaving)
Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character
Frankenstein ("Frankenstein", 1931) - Boris Karloff (Boris Karloff)
Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character
Samara Morgan ("Call", 2002) - Dave Chase (Daveigh Chase)
Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character
Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character
Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character
C-3PO («Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - Anthony Daniels (Anthony Daniels)
Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character
Darth Vader ("Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - David Prowse (David Prowse)
Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character
Chewbacca ("Star Wars. Episodes IV-VI», 1977-1983) - Peter Mayhew (Peter Mayhew)
Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character
Les Grossman ("Tropic Thunder", 2008) - Tom Cruise (Tom Cruise)
Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character
General Teide ("Planet of the Apes", 2001) - Tim Roth (Tim Roth)
Hollywood Funny Stars pictures-Behind The Character